
How to wear a Poppy

Wear a Poppy to Remember

Throughout the Remembrance period, we see Poppies worn with pride in every corner of our lives to honour our Veterans. The Royal Canadian Legion provides a Poppy Protocol to guide Canadians on appropriate and respectful wearing of the lapel Poppy. However, wearing a Poppy is a personal expression of Remembrance, and how someone chooses to wear a Poppy is always an individual choice. 

How to wear a Poppy

The Poppy should be worn with respect on the left side, over the heart. The Legion’s lapel Poppy is a sacred symbol of Remembrance and should not be affixed with any pin that obstructs the Poppy. Also available through some Branches is the Legion's reusable black centre Poppy pin to affix your lapel Poppy.

When to wear a Poppy

The lapel Poppy should be worn during the Remembrance period, from the last Friday in October until November 11. The Legion encourages the wearing of Poppies at funerals of Veterans, and for any commemorative event such as a memorial service, or the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. As well, it is not inappropriate to wear a Poppy during other times to commemorate Fallen Veterans and it is an individual choice to do so.

How to remove a Poppy

Poppies may be worn throughout the Remembrance period, including in the evening after Remembrance Day Ceremony. Some choose to remove their Poppy at the end of the day on November 11. Some choose to remove their Poppy at the conclusion of the ceremony and place their Poppy on the cenotaph or on a wreath as a sign of respect. This has become a poignant tradition each year at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony in Ottawa as thousands of Poppies are placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

When a Poppy is removed, it should be stored appropriately or it may be disposed of respectfully. We encourage anyone who finds a Poppy that has fallen to the ground to pick it up and brush it off so that it can be kept or disposed of respectfully.

Canadian Poppy

Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong

#莫失莫忘 由即日起至11月11日,大家可以在辦公時間內,到位於香港的兩個辦事處或澳門的 #澳門國際學校 領取紅罌粟花別針,以紀念在戰爭中犧牲的軍人和平民。 所得捐款將全數撥捐 #皇家加拿大退伍軍人協會。


澳門︰ 澳門國際學校主辦公室 (北翼)


#RememberThem  This year's Poppy Campaign starts today and runs until Nov 11. Come by and pick up your Canadian poppy at two office locations in Hong Kong or at The International School of Macao during opening hours. Join us in remembering those who sacrificed their lives in battle and please bring a donation for The Royal Canadian Legion - National Headquarters

Central office: 5th Floor, Tower 3, Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central
Quarry Bay office: 8th & 9th Floors, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Friday: 8:30am – 12:45pm

The International School of Macao main office (North Wing)
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm